How to get laid by rewiring her limbic system


Ways to attract females and get laid every time

If you’re looking for how to get laid every time then you need to read this.

Last month, I had an intense encounter with the CEO of a Fortune 500 company just minutes before she was due to give a major presentation to hundreds of top business executives.

Not too long ago, the mere thought of making eye contact with such a woman, let alone approaching her, would have been intimidating to me. She seemed completely out of my league—a millionaire with a watch that probably cost more than my monthly salary. Despite being in her early 40s, she looked like she was in her late 20s, with stunning features, a perfect hourglass figure, and the poise of a supermodel.

To me, she was a perfect 10—wealthy, stunning, and powerful. And the setting—a high-stakes business conference—would have paralyzed the old me with fear. I would have convinced myself that making a move could jeopardize my reputation. But over time, I realized that these were just excuses. The truth is, women appreciate attention, especially from men they find attractive.

Fortunately, it’s not difficult to make yourself attractive to a woman if you know how to engage her limbic system, or her “monkey brain,” effectively. Here’s what I mean:

Humans have three parts to our brain—the cortex (our rational brain), the limbic system (our emotional brain), and the brain stem (our instinctive brain). The brain stem handles basic regulatory functions like breathing and digestion. The limbic system manages our emotions, and the cortex is responsible for logical thinking.

When something happens, our cortex processes the information first. This then triggers an emotional response from our limbic system, which in turn prompts an instinctive reaction from our brain stem. For instance, if you encounter an angry bear, your cortex recognizes the danger, your limbic system generates fear, and your brain stem prepares your body to react—heart racing, palms sweating, and so on.

In high-stress or emotionally charged situations, the limbic system and brain stem take over, sidelining rational thought. This response is not limited to fear—it also applies to arousal. If you can provoke arousal in a woman, her emotional and instinctive brains will dominate, bypassing her rational mind. Her heart will race, and she’ll feel a physical response that she’ll associate with you.

Once her rational mind is sidelined, she’ll be entirely focused on you, regardless of how “out of your league” she might seem.

If you want to learn how to get laid every time using a simple, effective way to trigger her emotional brain, click here to watch this controversial video before it’s banned!


Attract Females by Taking Advantage of Her Illogical Nature

Is it sexist to say that women are illogical creatures?

Well… in some situations, it might actually be quite accurate. Hold on, hear me out for a second before jumping to conclusions.

Men are biologically driven to spread their genes and find women with youthful qualities attractive because, on average, these women are more likely to bear children. Consequently, men often make their initial partner choices based on logical criteria. We see a woman who ticks certain boxes, and we make our move.

Women, however, don’t share this drive to spread their seed—because, well, they don’t have seeds to spread (is that still okay to say in 2023?). Their biological needs focus on finding a man who will protect her and her children, stick around, and provide for them. And you can’t just approach a woman at the grocery store and say, “Hey, I make six figures, I’m a blackbelt in Tae Kwon Do, and I’m so committed that I signed a 7-year lease on my condo. Want to go out with me?”

She needs to feel that you possess these qualities, because simply telling her will make you seem like a creep. That feeling of attraction she has towards you doesn’t come from her logical brain, but her emotional one.

If you can bypass her logical brain and appeal directly to her emotional brain, she will:

  • Hold deep eye contact with you.
  • Hang on to every word you say.
  • Laugh at all your jokes, no matter how cheesy they are.
  • Get flirty and touchy.
  • Eagerly type her number into your phone when you ask.
  • Happily agree to a first date within 30 minutes of meeting you.

The best part? You can connect with her emotional brain within seconds of meeting.

Click here now to learn how to captivate women by triggering their emotional brain with your very first sentence.